Christina Pöpper is a tenure-track professor of Computer Science at NYUAD with a focus on information and communication security. She is heading the Cyber Security & Privacy (CSP-) lab and is the director of research at the Center for Cyber Security at NYUAD. Her research goal is to better understand and enhance the security and privacy of current and future IT/communication systems. Specific interests are the security of wireless systems and applications, where she is working on topics like secure localization, mobile-, protocol- and system-level security as well as on aspects of privacy. With her group she is combining systems and security mechanisms in various application settings, thus addressing secure systems where cryptography alone is often not enough. She is teaching computer/IT security and general computer science classes. Prior to joining NYUAD in 2016, Christina Pöpper was an assistant professor at Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany, where she headed the Information Security Group at the Electrical Engineering and Information Technology Department. In the past, she taught specialized courses on wireless security as well as on private and anonymous communication. She received her doctoral and graduate degrees in computer science from ETH Zurich, Switzerland, and worked at the European Space Agency (ESA). She’s PC chair of NDSS and ACNS.
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