Are you looking for interesting opportunities to look at, think about, buy, and even make art this weekend and this coming week? Several important events are taking place that will expose you to new artists and new ideas.
The Affordable Art Fair, NYC’s highly anticipated biannual fair where visitors can purchase original art for as little as $100, is open Saturday the 28th (today) until 8pm and Sunday the 29th until 5pm.
Join the NYU SPS Center for Applied Liberal Arts on Thursday, October 3rd for our free event “I Am” Artists’ Workshop- Environmental Justice, where artists will showcase their spoken word, dance, music, film and visual art works.
The Art and Social Activism Festival continues through October with exhibits, performances, hands-on workshops, and an “activism market” that highlights the work of socially engaged artists, makers, and designers. The theme for the 2019 festival is “Dignity: Care for Each Other and Our Planet.”
Those interested in digging deeper into the work of emergent artists outside of the mainstream and the growing genre of outsider art (which has its own fair in NYC in January 2020) may consider the course Inside “Outsider Art”: New Collectors, New Exhibits, where students have the opportunity to experience curator-led tours of museums and see art in collectors’ private homes as well as speak to art experts from Christie’s and elsewhere.