Julie Tay, Clinical Assistant Professor (MS in Translation), will lead her Chinese folk band EastRiver Ensemble to perform with Yale Strom’s Klezmer sextet at the Eldridge Street Synagogue, Thursday May 26th at 7:00p.m. RSVP: http://www.eldridgestreet.org/events/
“Presenting a joyous mash-up of Chinese and Yiddish folk music! The program will explore the historical and musical connections between the Russian Jews and Chinese who lived together in Harbin, China, from the turn of the 20th century through World War II. ”
This summer: explore different cultures and languages through CALA noncredit courses, including special week-long bootcamps that combine language instruction with cultural experiences in NYC:
Languages: East Asian, French, Italian, Russian, Scandinavian
Translation courses
Interpreting courses