There’s been an over-reliance on data in advocacy work, ignoring the myriad ways in which people absorb information, transform thought and self-motivate action.
We Can’t Solely Rely on World Leaders at the UN to Effect Global Change
As diplomats meet at the United Nations this week, it’s more important than ever that all people are empowered to engage the challenges of these times.
CGA at the 11th Annual International Humanitarian Law Dialogs on Lake Chautauqua
NYU’s Center for Global Affairs (CGA) co-sponsored the 11th Annual International Humanitarian Law Dialogs, which took place on the 27th – 29th of August. The theme of this year was “Changing Times: New Opportunities of International Justice and Accountability.”
Reflections on the GFI to the Hague, Bosnia, and Serbia
A reflection on the Summer 2017 GFI to the Hague, Bosnia, and Serbia
Building political will for a more sustainable America
This country desperately needs a positive vision, some goals for where we’re going. Instead, it’s all negative all the time; a daily slashing and burning of hard-fought protections.
Balancing Development and Climate Change Action
The Chinese maxim of “Grow first, clean up later” has underlined the price of development that the people and environment have paid in recent years.