Attentional and Perceptual Foundations of Economic Behavior

The Sloan-NOMIS Program 2017 Inaugural Symposium and Retreat – Program

The program schedule is as follows:

Thursday, October 12, 2017
4:00-5:15 PM: Hotel Check-In Begins & Conference Registration – Hotel Lobby – Level A

5:30-9:30 PM: Individual/Small Group Buffet Dinner available – Atrium – Level B

8:00-9:30 PM: After-Dinner Drinks – Pub/Game Room – Level B

**Presentation Format for all Friday and Saturday Sessions: Four presentations [30 minutes each, with 10 minutes for discussion], followed by general discussion [40 minutes] of the theme of the session, plus two 20-minute coffee breaks.**

Friday, October 13, 2017
7:00 AM: Individual/Small Group Breakfast Buffet – Atrium – Level B

8:30 AM-12:30 PM: Session 1: The Allocation of Attention [chair: Andrew Caplin]

Presenters: Mark Dean, Jacqueline Gottlieb, Antonio Rangel, Weiji Ma.

Presentation Slides: Rational Inattention in Economic Choice; Attention and decisions bridging the gap; The Role of Attention in Simple ChoiceNormative models of attention

Background Materials: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

12:30-1:30 PM: Group Buffet Lunch – Atrium – Level B

1:30-5:30 PM: Session 2: Understanding Contrast Effects and Other Errors in Perception [chair: Ernst Fehr]

Presenters: Colin Camerer, Paul Glimcher, Alan Stocker.

Presentation Slides: Introduction: Contrast Effects and Other Errors in Perception; Salience; Expected subjective value theory; Self-consistent interference in perception and cognition

Background Materials: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

5:45 PM: Assemble and Board Charter Bus for Dinner – Hotel Main Entrance

6:00 PM: Charter Bus Departs for Blue Hill at Stone Barns

6:30-10:00 PM: Group Gourmet Dinner: Blue Hill at Stone Barns

10:15 PM: Assemble and Board Charter Bus to return to Doral Arrowwood Hotel

Saturday, October 14, 2017
7:00 AM: Buffet Breakfast available – Atrium – Level B

8:30AM-12:30PM: Session 3: The Perception of Probability and Risk [chair: Andrei Shleifer]

Presenters: Ulrike Malmendier, Elise Payzan-LeNestour, Monika Piazzesi, Jakub Steiner.

Presentation Slides: Experience effects; Risk perception in an unstable world; Temporary Equilibrium and Survey Evidence in Macro-Finance; On Second Thoughts, Selective Memory, and Resulting Behavioral Biases (and paper)

Background Materials: [1] [2] [3]

12:30-2:00 PM: Buffet Lunch – Atrium – Level B

2:00-6:00 PM: Session 4: The Role of Learning, Expectations and Planning in Action Choice [chair: Michael Woodford]

Presenters: Samuel Gershman, Thomas Griffiths, David Laibson, Luminita Stevens.

Presentation Slides: Introduction: The Role of Learning, Expectations, and Planning in Action Choice;
Competition and cooperation between reinforcement learning systems; Modeling and improving the behavior of bounded agents (part 1 and part 2); Myopia and Discounting; Inattentive adjustment

Background Materials: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]

6:15-8:00 PM: Buffet Dinner  – Atrium – Level B

Sunday October 15, 2017

Hotel check-out ends at 11:00 AM.  The hotel is unable to accommodate a late check-out for everyone in a group as large as ours. Thus, we ask that you pack up your belongings and officially check out of your hotel room BEFORE 11:00 AM by bringing your luggage down to the Bronxville Symposium room area after 8:00 AM. We will be using one of the pullout rooms off the symposium room as a luggage storage area during the morning program and lunch.

7:00 AM: Buffet Breakfast – Atrium – Level B

8:00-9:15 AM: Session 5: The Research Agenda
The program leaders lead a discussion [1.25 hours] of scientific progress thus far on understanding the attentional and perceptual foundations of decision-making.

9:15-9:45 AM: Coffee Break

9:45AM-11:00 AM: Session 6: Next Steps
The program leaders and foundation executives lead a roundtable discussion [1.25 hours] of programmatic activities that would best serve to advance the field.

11:00 AM: Symposium Adjourns

11:15 AM: Group Airport Transportation Starts

11:30-1:30PM Individual/Small Group Buffet Brunch/Lunch – Atrium – Level B

Click here for a printable version of this conference program.


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