Attentional and Perceptual Foundations of Economic Behavior

2022 Sloan-NOMIS Summer School on Cognitive Foundations of Economic Behavior

Friday June 24 to Sunday July 3, 2022
Sponsored by the NOMIS Foundation and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation


Saturday, June 25: Behavioral Bias as an Adaptation to Cognitive Noise

Michael Woodford:  Noisy Cognition and Economic Decision Making

Presentation Recording

Chris Summerfield:

PM Tutorials: Bridging the Methodological Divide

Foundations and Aims of Economics for Cognitive Scientists:

W. Bentley MacLeod:  Models of Learning in Economics 

Foundations and Aims of Cognitive Science for Economists:

Chris Summerfield: 

Sunday, June 26: Measurement and Consequences of Cognitive Uncertainty

AM session: Uncertainty and Metacognition

Nick Yeung:  Uncertainty, Confidence and Adaptive Decision Making

Ben Enke:  Cognitive Uncertainty:  Measurement and Economic Consequences

PM session: Inattentive Decision Making in a Changing Environment

Luminita Stevens:  Inattentive Decision-Making in a Changing Environment


Monday, June 27: Rational Inattention and Resource-Rational Cognition

Andrew Caplin:  Revealed Bayesian Learning

Tom Griffiths:  Resource-Rational Models of Decision-Making

PM session: Algorithmic models of simple choice.

Antonio Rangel:  Attention and Simple Choice


Tuesday, June 28: Algorithms and Decisions

Fred Callaway:  Algorithms for Decision-Making and Decision-Making for Algorithms

Daniel Martin:  Model Machine Learning

PM: Social Event [TBA]


Wednesday, June 29: Learning and Information Acquisition

AM session: Reinforcement Learning

Anne Collins:

Nick Barberis:  Model-free and Model-based Learning as Joint Drivers of Investor Behavior

PM session: Information-Seeking and Choice in “Bandit” Problems

Angela Yu:


Thursday, June 30: Effects of Personal Experience and Training on Behavior and Cognitive Development

AM session: Training and Cognitive Development

Catherine Hartley:

Ernst Fehr:

PM session: Effects of Personal Experience on Decision Making

Ulrike Malmendier:


Friday, July 1: Medical Decision Making

Janet Currie:  Empirical Approaches to Physician Decision Making in Economics

Jennifer Trueblood:  Behavioral Science Contributions to Medical Image Decision-Making

PM: Social Event [TBA]


Saturday, July 2: Consequences of Cognitive Limitations for Strategic and Social Interaction

Colin Camerer:

Rosemarie Nagel:

PM session: Information Constraints and Pragmatic Reasoning

Noga Zaslavsky:



2022 Conference Program (PDF Format)