Attentional and Perceptual Foundations of Economic Behavior

The Sloan-NOMIS 2018 Workshop on Attention and Choice

The 2018 Sloan-NOMIS Workshop on Attention and Choice will be held at NYU’s campus on February 23-24, 2018.

Professors Andrew Caplin (New York University), Ernst Fehr (University of Zurich), and Michael Woodford (Columbia University) are pleased to have assembled an outstanding worldwide group of economic and cognitive scientists who will participate in a two-day workshop of 8 sessions. Both economists and cognitive scientists will present and discuss their latest interdisciplinary research findings and ideas concerning the links between psychological, neural and behavioral aspects of attention and perception and the related microeconomic behavior and macroeconomic outcomes.

Please be sure to review the workshop PROGRAM and PRESENTER lists to see which experts will be participating, as well as which research initiatives will be presented and discussed with the hope of increasing shared knowledge between the specialties. If you are looking to book a hotel room in advance of the event, please see our LODGING RESOURCES page for group NYU rates and other helpful recommendations.

The workshop will be held in the Lester Pollack Colloquium Room, which is located at 245 Sullivan Street, between Washington Square South and West Third Street in Furman Hall on NYU’s campus. The room is on the 9th floor.