A Colophon for Every Occasion

I submitted my book manuscript to the press this morning. One of the things that still strikes me about reading medieval texts is the extent to which medieval readers were so similar in some of their attitudes to us as modern readers. In this case, I came across the work of a scribe who felt similarly about finishing his work as I do about mine:


Cambridge University Library, T-S 10 G 5

تم الكتاب والحمد لله

תם אלכתאב ואלחמד ללה

Book’s done. Thank God!

Avoiding Panic Through Listmaking, v. 2.0 beta

For Saturday:

Finish AOS paper

Finish AOS paper handout

For Monday:

Grade quizzes

Grade essays (move to Tuesday)

Prep grad class

Prep UG class

Finish fellowship application

Write a letter of rec

Write CORE syllabus

For Tuesday:

Prep for seminar (maybe — Not, in the end)

Finish manuscript review (earlier better, but realistically, Tuesday (was Thursday in the end))

Prep Wednesday class

Rest of the week:

Finish one last book documentation issue (#FinishYourDamnBookAlready, inshallah)