Story of Your Life Reading Notes

  • For one to learn, one should interact.
  • Instead of maintaining parallelism, the heptapods wrote their actions in a single logogram instead of two separate ones
  • Their script isn’t word-divided compared to the way we communicate
  • The heptapods used a nonlinear system of orthography that qualified as true writing 
  • They use grammar in two dimensions
  • Their writing system is different from their speech system 
  • Their “semagram” system: language had no written punctuation, a “sentence” seemed to be whatever number of semagrams a heptapod wanted to join together
  • “The only difference between a sentence and a paragraph, or a page, was size”
  • Bigger sizes of sentences are sometimes hypnotic 
  • Human attempted to use spherical coordinate system with geometry and algebra
  • Word orders are not important in Heptapod language
  • For Heptapods, strokes in sentences are designed to represent different clauses of the message and built sentences out of strokes irrespective of individual semagrams -> comparable to our calligraphic designs except we plan out the design carefully 

Published by

Sissy Li

hello hello

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