
This is a list of my most relevant projects:

Online Political Ads Project (Python)
Analyzing the political ads on social media websites in the United States.
Covered by New York Times, CNBC, CNET, Business Insider, Fortune and others. 

VoiceHover  (Processing in Java and Python)
Allows people with Cerebral Palsy and other immobilizing disabilities to talk using a keyboard. Code available on GitHub. 
Winner of Assistive Tech track at HackNYU ’17.

MalURL (Python)
Detects malicious websites just using their plain-text URLs using machine learning. 
Accuracy rate of 98%. Dataset of 5000 benign URLs and 5000 malicious URLs.
Tinkering the model with Deep Learning algorithms.

GRE Words for the Day (Python)
Scrapes the top 500 words used in GRE. 
Extracts their meanings, mnemonics and sentences. Packages 21 words per day of hard, medium, and easy difficulty and emails it to the subscribers. 
Currently over 20 subscribers. 

Twitter Clone (GoLang)
Developed a fault-tolerant distributed Twitter Clone (Web Application) for my graduate level Distributed Systems course. Implemented Viewstamped Replication as our consensus protocol. 
Designed front end and backend in GoLang, HTML, JavaScript and CSS. Used GoRPC and REST API.