Midterm Project:Proposal

Shooting Games-Mingxuan Xie-Margaret Minsky

  The original idea is to simulate the process of aiming and powering. Only move the gun at certain direction and wait the power in a certain range, the corresponding target can be shot–the LED extinguishes(or simply change the state–light to dark or dark to light, depending on the game mode). To extend it, it can be developed into a rehabilitation training game on wrist–control the direction and power degree is in high demand of wrist control; it can also be used to education scenario–preserving the shooting part and find a angle sensor(perhaps or some sensors that are more sensitive to direction and angle), to help children engage answering the questions on the game. The idea to make a shooting game came from a character in a video game: https://kingglory.fandom.com/wiki/Baili_Shouyue For further development, the basic interactions can be devided into three part:

  1. put the power button on the gun and add a tilt sensor on the body of it. The time finish adjusting the power degree, raise the gun head and the shot is done, simulating the recoil. If one of the LED changes state, then the gun shot successfully
  2. add a slide to change the direction seperately, which will be easier for the user to operate.
  3. add different types of sound to react shooting, scoring, 
  4. the game mode:
    1. version 1: originally all the lights are off, ‘shooting’ on a LED will change its state(off-on/on-off). When lighting up all the LEDs(within 10 times), the user win the game.
    2. version 2: at the beginning, only randon amount of randon LED are on, shotting all of them off will win the game.
    3. version3: different LEDs correspond to different scores. Count the total score shot within 1 min and record it in a database. The one gets highest score win the music!


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