Run Experiment

For each experimental session, at least one experimenter, you or another qualified person, must be in the laboratory throughout the duration of the experiment.


Early Arrival. Experimenters must be at the NYU Shanghai Behavior and Experimental Economics lab at least thirty minutes before start time. Subjects often come early and the door must be opened for them so they can wait inside.

Lab Staff. Lab staff will help with technical problems encountered while using laboratory equipment or software. However, they will not assist in running any experiments.


Cleanup. After using the NYU Shanghai Behavior and Experimental Economics lab we expect all researchers to leave it in the state it was found upon arrival. No experiment-related papers should be left on any desk, and all experiment-specific software and files should be removed from the computers.


Financial Compensation. The minimum payment for the experiment, if completed, cannot be below RMB 30 per 90 minutes. This is the baseline incentive amount used to interest subjects in signing up for an experiment; any lesser compensation amount could lead to  attrition in our show-up rate and subject pool. Experiments in which payment is a function of the subjects’ actions should still adhere to this baseline rate through the use of a show-up payment, discussed below.

Show-up Payment. If a subject is signed up for an experiment and shows up to the lab, that subject must be paid, even if the subject is not needed for the experiment. This is to reward subjects for taking the time and effort to come and participate, a critical measure for fostering positive relationships and show-up rates within the subject pool.