Conduct Research

SHBEEL is an interdisciplinary research group that brings together researchers interested in experimental and behavioral economics. It provides an experimental laboratory for members of the NYU Shanghai community who wish to conduct experimental research in economics.

The NYU Shanghai Behavior and Experimental Economics laboratory and participation pool cannot and will not be affiliated with any experiment that involves deception. Promoting truthfulness and transparency in our research is fundamental to our community, and we have a strong policy against deception of any kind.  Maintaining a reputation among the student population for honesty ensures that subject actions are motivated by the induced monetary rewards associated with an experiment rather than by a potential psychological reaction to suspected manipulation. Subjects may suspect deception if it is present. Moreover, even if a subject fails to detect deception within a session, it may jeopardize the integrity of future experiments if a subject discovers that they were deceived and reports this information to other potential participants. Experiments that involve deception and then later expositional truth-telling (i.e. debriefing) are also forbidden.

Step 1: Obtain IRB Approval

All NYU Shanghai projects involving human participants need to be approved by the NYU Shanghai Institutional Review Board (IRB) before conducting the experiment.

All experiments using the NYU Shanghai Behavior and Experimental Economics or participation pool must attain IRB approval. For more information on this process please refer to the Human Subjects webpage via the research portal.

Step 2: Complete Application

Once IRB Approval is granted, the next step is to complete the application form. Make sure to understand the lab’s policies before using the lab resources.

Step 3: Recruit Participants

Researchers are responsible for recruiting their own subjects, and researchers must ensure that their recruitment process sticks to their approved protocol. The SHBEEL Recruitment Software, SONA System, is available to IRB approved protocols that specify the lab’s participant database as the source from which researchers should recruit their research subjects (IRB Approval Letter Required). An IRB accredited researcher may request a researcher user account status by completing the application form (IRB Approval Letter Required). 

Step 4: Schedule Time

If you need to book the whole laboratory for your experiment you will need to do so via the lab manager. Please be aware that the lab may be in use at any time, and may be booked up to two weeks in advance.To ensure that all experimenters are given an opportunity to run experiments, especially during times of heavy lab use, the lab director oversees the approval of large group bookings. Available time blocks can be viewed on the Calendar

Step 5: Run Experiment

For each experimental session, at least one experimenter, either you or another qualified person, must be in the laboratory throughout the duration of the experiment.

Please contact the lab manager ( for more information.