Participant Rights

Volunteer participants are invaluable partners in our scientific endeavors.

As such, they have important rights that apply to all our studies.

  1. Participation in a study is voluntary, and there is no impact for non-participation.
  2. You may refuse to participate in a study or withdraw at any time.
  3. You have the right to choose not to participate in any study activity or completely withdraw from continued participation at any point in the study without penalty or loss of benefits to which you are otherwise entitled.
  4. You may choose to decline to answer any questions that you prefer not to answer.
  5. Typically, there are no known risks associated with participating in our research studies beyond those experienced in everyday activities.
  6. If you are a student at NYU Shanghai, the decision of “not to participate” will affect neither the availability of services to which you as a potential subject are entitled nor will it affect your grades or academic standing.
  7. Your decision whether or not to participate in any part of a study will not affect your relationship with the researchers or with NYU Shanghai.

All studies are conducted in accordance with NYU Shanghai’s Human Research Protection Program, which protects the rights and welfare of research participants. If you would like additional information about your rights as a participant,  please contact NYU Shanghai’s Research Compliance Office at