interaction lab recitations

Media Controller

During this recitation I did not encounter any issues with setting up the potentiometer that would control the intensity of the tint applied to the video. This took me about 30 minutes. After that, I was struggling with the button that would not work correctly. When I sought help, it turned out that nothing was wrong with my code, it was just some unknown malfunction. This issue remained unresolved…

The video of button malfunction:

The video of working potentiometer:

The Processing Code:

import processing.serial.*;
import osteele.processing.SerialRecord.*;
Movie myMovie;

Serial serialPort;
SerialRecord serialRecord;

boolean buttonWasPressed = false;

void setup() {
  size(512, 288);
  myMovie = new Movie(this, "Jing'An.mp4"); 

  size(500, 500);

  String serialPortName = SerialUtils.findArduinoPort();
  serialPort = new Serial(this, serialPortName, 9600);

  // If the Arduino sketch sends a different number of values, modify the number
  // `2` on the next line to match the number of values that it sends.
  serialRecord = new SerialRecord(this, serialPort, 2);


void draw() {
  if (myMovie.available()) {;
  int potentiometerValue = serialRecord.values[0];
  int buttonState = serialRecord.values[1];
  if (potentiometerValue == 1023){
    image(myMovie, 0, 0);
  float filterValue = map(potentiometerValue, 0, 1023, 0, 255);
  tint(filterValue, 0,0);
  image(myMovie, 0, 0);
  //if (buttonState == 1){
  //  tint(filterValue, 0, 0);
  //  image(myMovie, 0, 0);
  //  buttonWasPressed = true;
  //} else if (buttonState == 0 && buttonWasPressed == false){
  //  fill(255);
  //  rect(0, 0, width, height);

The Arduino Code (just SendMultipleValues code with corrections):

#include "SerialRecord.h"

// Change this number to send a different number of values
SerialRecord writer(2);
int BUTTON_PIN = 9;

void setup() {

void loop() {
  int potentiometerValue = analogRead(A0);
  writer[0] = potentiometerValue;
  writer[1] = digitalRead(BUTTON_PIN);
  // if (digitalRead(BUTTON_PIN) == HIGH){
  //   writer[1] = 2;
  // }
  // else {
  //   writer[1] = 1;
  // }

  // This delay slows down the loop, so that it runs less frequently. This can
  // make it easier to debug the sketch, because new values are printed at a
  // slower rate.

The rest of the recitation (like 15 min) I ended up just working on my final project. 

prototyping documentation rapid prototyping

Portable Toothbrush Holder: Fusion 360 Development

For the past couple of weeks, I have exclusively worked on my project. Here are some development screenshots:

here you can see my failed attempt to fit both toothpaste and toothbrush inside. Probably will have to change the size of the product!

and then I added the material and rendered in a very weird bathroom environment:

my reflections:

  • spent waaaay too much time figuring out the “loft” and how to add water 
  • need to take a deep dive into the internet and find a good bathroom environment where I can display the attachment to the wall as well
  • to work on animation? 
  • figure out how to increase the diameter of both figures. Just increase the size maybe? Can I even do that? 
  • also, figure out the things are going to attach to each other 

I am fairly content with how stuff is turning out so far. But I need to work a lot on rendering and animation now!

interaction lab recitations

Digital Fabrication

step 1.1: stand design

I was the partner “A” and it took me about 15-20 minutes to get all the parameters right. I did not encounter any particular issues as the instruction was fairly clear. The most confusing thing were the little circles that were meant to later hold the servo inside (like the distance from the rectangle). At first, I didn’t realize that the GIF in the instructions showed how to do it, so it took me a little longer.

My parter got her part done even faster:) so we decided to merge the design and.. well, it went good. 

I was very confused why the gaps on the left down side of the parts were not on the same y-axis and checked the measurements like a 100 times. I sought for help and one of the fellows reassured me that it is alright. It indeed turned out to be alright (as I later saw how this benefited the stand). But yeah, this part went fairly quick. 

step 1.2

as we started to create our pattern design, in about 5 minutes, the first group of people were invited to go to FabLab. So, we decided to finish up really quick and go. I didn’t get a chance to look at my partner’s design because of that. unfortunately, she somewhat misunderstood the way the laser cutting works and created the design that would basically fall apart in a lot of pieces straightaway. 

It looked like this:

so when we went to FabLab we were unable to laser cut it from this, hence we came back and we quickly changed the design by deleting some outlines and thickening the others.

My design looked like this:

step 2: Laser cut

when we returned, everything worked great! absolutely no issues occurred here!

step 3: assemble

here as well, we assembled the thing pretty quickly, making it in time by the end of the recitation! we did not need the screws to make it work. you can see it running on the sweep example down below:

it was definitely a great experience and the fact that we were able to create something this cool so fast is fascinating! 

final project interaction lab

proposal essay

Given that my development process is a bit different and even for the “Three project proposals” blogpost I already had quite detailed description of what is needed for this one, I am just going to copy some stuff from there.

  1. “Screaming Gallery”
  2. A place where one can create an artwork using their voice. The purpose of the installation is to reimagine ways to create art and highlight the beauty of uniqueness each of us possesses. Wether it is a uniqueness of one’s voice or the way one could create art. 
  3. The installation going to include a relatively secluded space where the intimacy is reinforced and one can feel free to use (voice analysis) technology to create an artwork using their voice. Inside the space there are going to be some buttons that provide some additional control over what and when is being drawn. The room is going to be equipped with Neopixel matrix/strip that are going to guide a person through the experience and reflect what is being drawn. Outside there is going to be shown a projection of the artwork person is creating on the inside (when the drawing is in process) and when the drawing is done, their artwork is going to be added to the collage of all the artworks created and projected on the surface of the installation or just shown on the computer on the pedestal. 

I am thinking of including kaleidoscope element into my idea as well. At this point I have started working on the preliminary code, which I am going to share in the next blogpost on the final project. 

rapid prototyping weekly design discussions

Karim Rashid

Write your post this week on your opinion of Rashid’s work. How would you describe him as a designer? What from your research is your favorite and least favorite piece of design work from Rashid?

some notes:

In their discussion, Rashid says that an object should exist only if it better our life. He also talks bout how the best designs are the ones that can serve both poor and rich, a person of any culture, any gender. Democratization of design. He talks about the importance of functionalism.  “Things stick with us if they effectively serve us”. Below-the-line design is the design that we don’t even think about. Ergonomics! Also how “designer” is associated with fashion. They also talk about how design is inseparable from technology. This ultimately means that design inevitably leads to innovation. It is far from only style (the visual component). And the idea that every person is born creative.

It was a very interesting conversation from my perspective. I mostly agree with the view that a good design is something that every person can use. However, I would like to add that there should a be bit more appreciation towards the objects that are aimed at not fully-able people. Of course, some designs are so genius that they are accessible to anyone, however, if such design doesn’t exist and a designer is not coming up with it, it should be admired that a certain object does not focus on fully-able people’s experience. 

As for the idea that almost everyone is born creative, I believe it is indeed true. And I really resonate with this notion. And I most certainly agree that the way children are raised could affect the extent of their creative thinking. I believe it is not only a matter of education and developing a particular framework of design thinking, it is also about being free to express yourself and not being threatened by others’ expression of themselves. I believe it is not coincidental that a lot of artistic and creative people are very confident in wearing bright clothes or having a relatively “loud” personality. It is because they are fine with expressing themselves, which gives them the freedom and peace of mind that further helps them in their creative process.

As for Karim’s designs, I generally liked them. As I like to do, I connected his style with Keith Haring. Something about these shapes and lines and patterns just comes together for me as a “colorful Keith Haring”. It s also quite similar to Marc Newson’s designs as they both designed so much stuff from so many industries. Apparently, that’s what a lot of designers do. 

My favorite piece that I noticed on his website was this (Ceramic collection)Maybe the reason is that I’ve been looking at a lot of interior designs lately and this matte texture and the appropriate color (from my perspective) was something that has drawn my attention. I just like matte stuff. 

The least favorite thing would be:

yeah. from my perspective it just looks ugly. It kind of fits into his aesthetics though (the patterns and the colors) however it just doesn’t appear nice to me. I would not buy this suitcase. plus, it is not very noticeable in the airport. I would expect a bright pink color (just from the perspective of functionality and his aesthetic).