creative coding lab recitations

sketch gallery page

Here is the GitHub-powered page: 

  • How can orderly file name convention (html files, css files, images, etc.) prevent errors when building a website?

Good naming really helps when developing a website because it really helps manage the styles as well as the relationship between pages and files.

  • When would you want to use classes, when IDs?

IDs are used for a more general cases as well as very unique ones. I usually use classes (especially multiple classes at the same time).

  • Which limitations did you run into in the styling of your page?

A bit too hard to create pretty transitions (animations).

  • How does editing and styling a text in (WYSIWYG) text editor, such as Microsoft Word, compare to writing HTML? What are advantages of each over the other?

One of the benefits would be is that it is happening on the Web with HTML. However, when editing in Microsoft Word we have no-code interactions 🙂 it also has mistakes highlighted there.

  • Explain how different web technologies come together in your webpage. How is writing HTML or CSS different from writing p5.js (JavaScript)?

Again, I feel like p5.js has way less opportunities when it comes to working with text and vector-based objects & animation. But p5.js has cooler animations 🙂

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