rapid prototyping weekly design discussions


Hey again! 

How origami is being used by designers to create engineering solutions. Can you think of anything in your life that may have been influenced by origami?

I have watched this video on how Origami can be used basically everywhere. The most fascinating thing was about how it is already used in modern medicine practices. And, of course, the idea that a sheet of a material has so much potential to transform into something so beautiful and, often, useful. Also, I really liked the lamp thing 🙂 As for the things in my life that were probably influenced by Origami, I could make a list from the top of my head:

1. Water bottles (I believe that the curves on the water bottles are used to make the bottle more rigid and maybe even but less water in the bottle (for the business)). 

2. Umbrellas. Kind of self-explanatory. 

3. my iPad case (the upper part folds from a plane in different directions that allows flexibility when the nearly-vertical position is required). 

4. Lamp at home. (it resembles the lamp shown in the video, however it is much more simple in the shape (just a sphere). However the cool thing is that it came in a thin package so I was even considering taking it with me to Shanghai (as it takes very little space), however decided that I don’t want to buy light bulbs all year for that).

Moreover, I believe I could use this origami inspiration when prototyping the protection for the egg in the Egg Drop experiment. I will surf the origami internet more and find some shapes that could help me build mine model. 

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