creative coding lab

recitation 3: Generative Motion

sketch 1:


My project A revolves around exploring various creatures inhabiting in a tiny cyber pond. In pursuit of this goal, I have created sketch 1, which emulates a shoal of fish swimming gracefully navigating the pond’s water. By manipulating mouseX you can change both the direction of the shoal of fish and their color. I think it mirrors how humans disturb nature’s normal operation.


Initially, my intention for Sketch 2 was to create some kind of moving creature residing in the water. However, it unexpectedly resembles the contractile vacuole of a paramecium. This coincidence could serve as an opportunity to delve deeper into parameciums’ behavior, including their reproduction, growth, consumption, excretion, death, and more. Yet, this might prove to be a complex undertaking. Nevertheless, my preference leans toward the fancy effects of Sketch 1. Consequently, I might consider modifying this sketch to align it better with my overarching theme.

sketch 3:

Inspiration for this sketch sprouted from my fondness for rainy afternoons, my favorite weather. As a result, I contemplate introducing ripples to my virtual pond to enhance its realism. Additionally, I plan to incorporate effects resembling the splashes generated by raindrops once I’ve mastered the coding techniques required.


In summary, the motion portrayed in Sketch 1 is the aspect I wish to expand upon and develop further in my Project A. My ultimate goal is to organically integrate these sketches, allowing the different species to connect and interact with one another if possible. For example, interactions such as the generation of sounds when fish encounter ripples or alterations in their movement patterns when evading predators could add narrative and realism to the project.

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