The overall concept for my Diptych is a visual that will give off warmth and cozy feeling as you look like it. The idea that I would like to convey is the feeling of sitting in a coffee shop on a Sunday afternoon just to pass time.
Since the existence of both images complete the project, the conversation I want my two pictures to create and convey is the stillness and beauty of being in your own world. When I envision chill Sunday afternoon at a coffee shop, I see it is a personal time where you are able to relax and take some time for yourself before you start on the new week. With this mindset, the pictures should provide a minimalist look but also enough to to provide warmth and motivation to keep going.
The images I plan to take will typically be in bright setting since I want to give off the warmth of a sunny afternoon and my concept will revolve around coffee. In addition, I think it would nice to to include greenery and plants as well as symmetrical architecture and windows.
I will most likely be editing the color of my pictures a lot because I not very picture will have the same lighting or the lighting to fit the atmosphere. In addition, I also see myself cropping things for the collage as well as editing things out to fit the idea of still life.