Imaginary Creatures

     For this assignment we were tasked with creating a creature by using the functions and knowledge we gain so far from both the class and the assigned readings (such as translate(), rotate(), modularity etc.). I created a simple owl-looking creature that is made up of a handful of shapes. The wings were created using the user-defined owl_wings() function and the body using the owl_face() function. I also made an extra spining_owl() function. Finally, I added a generative element to my sketch by making the fill color depend on mouse position.

Screenshot of my sketch


Link to the sketch is here. My code can also be found below: 



     This assignment shined a light on the utility of the translate() function; It is more convenient to use to draw shapes. Especially if you use one shape drawn at the origin, it can be used as a reference to draw shapes in relation to it. Using the computer to draw shapes is difficult. Unless you want to draw an organized drawing with fixed parameters, it is doable, and there are techniques to use to make it easier (like printing the vertex position of the mouse pointer with each click), but personally for me drawing is more intuitive using my hand and a canvas. My opinion of this might change by the end of the semester with learning new tools and techniques. Only time will tell.   


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