My Memory for Soundscape

The memory I want to recreate in the diptych is an evening session on a rainy day. Where I come from, it sometimes rains heavily in autumn, and it would always form an interesting contrast: indoor, everything is very quiet that only the clicking of pens and the sound of turning pages can be heard, outside, the wind is howling the rain is slamming on the window glass. 

Often, a rain storm would happen in the middle of the middle session, and when it is a really dramatic one, some classmates would start whispering and heads would turn to look outside the widows. But after a while of fidget, there will always be someone to stand up and close the widows, and the evening session would go back to normal, back to a quiet space where you can only hear the sound of the pen scratching the paper, people swirling open their thermos bottles to drink water, zipping up zippers, clattering of pens in pencil bags, doors opening and closing, pulling tissues out…

I want to pick this memory is because there is a process and difference in space that could be represented simply through sound, and I think it is also an epitome of our school life in high school, how we are always studying despite various distractions and we would study no matter how bad the wheather is.

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