Concept for Photo Dyptic

The overall concept for my photo diptych is the combination or the balance between celestial view and metropolitan construction (which often blocks celestial view). 

For the first picture I plan to use something similar to this one:

The light of the rising/setting sun is shaped in a rectangular shape by widows, coordinating with the typical silhouette of city buildings. The problem with this picture is that the background is too plain and empty. Hopefully in my final project I will be able to get a picture in which the sunlight is projecting onto a background that represent elements of city or artificial constructions, which provides a stronger connection to my concept of the project. The first picture is mainly to convey an idea that even in a highly urbanized environment we are still able to find the beauty of nature. 

For the second picture (the collage), I want to utilize the stiff and organized shape of buildings that we see everywhere in Shanghai as the frames for pictures of  sunset/sunrise glow and probably put them in the order of time (i.e. sunrise — noon — sunset). This can be a representation of celestial views of different days, implying that instead of one random day with beautiful sunset/sunrise, there is actually a lot more moments of beauty in small details and appreciation of nature in cities, as long as we take the effort to look for them. 

I would probably use photoshop simply as a tool to compose and touch up the colors of the photos. There’s still one concern is that whether I should also present the change of time in the first photo and, if yes, how would I do that.

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