W10 – Hide ‘n Weed

For this project I created some sea like creature family, where the mother/father is seeking food (mouse) and the younger babies are forming a line behind her, each following the creature in front of it.

I first combined the wonderer example code with one of my midterm’s code together, so the triangle is replaced with a wiggly purple shape moving towards the mouse. (As in the video below)


I wanted to have more than one moving object, so I added another triangle based on the example codes in class, but the second one’s target would be the first one’s position instead of the mouse. (As in the video below)


Then I wanted to have the triangle to stop upon reaching its target, so I referenced Daniel Shiffman’s Youtube tutorial for Arrive Steering Behavior and had the two both stop gradually instead of constantly moving. (As in the video below)


But then I realized this looks a bit too boring, and the movement of one object following another looks like how a cub would follow the older parent in nature, so I made the arrive steering behavior only apply to the first triangle following the mouse, and the other would be constantly moving and steering. This also fits well with the concept because the younger ones always have more energy and are more dynamic. (As in the video below)

During the making of this sketch I also tried with the avoid each other sketch, but didn’t quite like what I did with it and did not continue to work on it. I wanted to make something like a spinning flower but they look a bit messy when moving. (As in the video below)

Next I added three more wiggly purple creatures, all five of them in there different sizes, and I added small black eyes on them to make the direction they are moving towards more obvious. (As in the video below)


When the mouse is till, it is visible that the biggest one remains in the same position while the rest of the smaller ones are all steering. (As in the video below)


Lastly I added background and GUI. I wanted to make the size of the creatures a parameter as well, but I realized all the size of the five creatures would be the same, and the relationship between the creatures would be less obvious and it would look less interesting overall. (As in the video below) So I eventually did not incorporate the size in the GUI parameters.


Here’s video of the final sketch:


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