Notes on reading Story of Your Life

At first I thought this is a normal autobiography and then I realized it is a piece of science fiction. It was interesting to read something this detailed and theory-based while acknowledging that the story is not real. 

In the part where “I” was asked to obtain information from a single recording of aliens, “I’ said that recordings alone are not sufficient to disclose anything, and it really relates to what I’ve learned so far in Communications Lab which is that we need multiple layers of information to communicate. And there’s also the methods for communication. Near the end of the story, “I”described how learning the aliens’ language has changed her way of thinking and therefore the way she conceives the world. And though human and aliens sees the same material world, we view it very differently. But no matter how much difference there is, every perspective is valid. This inspired me to try to approach things in different methods and interpret things around me in more than one point of view in the future.

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