Animating an Interactive Poster
/** * Distance 2D. * * Move the mouse across the image to obscure and reveal the matrix. * Measures the distance from the mouse to each square and sets the * size proportionally. */ float max_distance; PFont f; void setup() { size(1024, 768); smooth(); f=loadFont("AmericanTypewriter-Bold-48.vlw"); textFont(f,48); noStroke(); max_distance = dist(0, 0, width, height); rectMode(CENTER); } void draw() { background(#C5A0D1,200); for(int i = 0; i <= width; i += 20) { for(int j = 0; j <= height; j += 20) { float size = dist(mouseX, mouseY, i, j); size = size/max_distance * 66; fill(120+i/7, 200, 200); stroke(#693579,120); strokeWeight(1); ellipse(i, j, size, size); } } stroke(0, 40); strokeWeight(10); line(250, 500+30, 350, 500+30); line(250, 518+30, 350, 518+30); line(280, 518+30,280,558+30); line(320,518+30,320,588+30); noFill(); arc(300, 450+30, 60, 60, PI, 2*PI); triangle(285, 485+30, 285, 500+30,297, 500+30); line(270, 450+30, 270, 500+30); line(330, 450+30, 330, 500+30); beginShape(); vertex(303,478+30); vertex(317, 478+30); vertex(317, 500+30); vertex(316, 500+30); endShape(CLOSE); point(230, 470+30); point(240, 425+30); point(275, 395+30); point(370, 470+30); point(360,425+30); point(325,395+30); stroke(255); strokeWeight(10); line(150, 600, 250, 600); line(150, 618, 250, 618); line(180, 618,180,658); line(220,618,220,688); noFill(); arc(200, 550, 60, 60, PI, 2*PI); triangle(185, 585, 185, 600,197, 600); line(170, 550, 170, 600); line(230, 550, 230, 600); beginShape(); vertex(203,578); vertex(217, 578); vertex(217, 600); vertex(216, 600); endShape(CLOSE); point(130, 570); point(140, 525); point(175, 495); point(270, 570); point(260,525); point(225,495); textSize(158.00); fill(#693579, 160); text("IMA", 100, 150); fill(#693579, 255); text("IMA", 100, 270); fill(0,50); text("IMA", 100, 390); textSize(36); fill(#693579); text("Fall 22 End-Of-Semester Show", 400, 500+50); text("Location: 8th floor",614,550+50); text("Day: Friday December 16",490,600+50); text("Time: 6pm to 8pm",623,650+50); translate(width/1.1, height/6); for (int p = 0; p <= 90; p += 1){ rotate(radians(360/90)); pushMatrix(); translate(300,0); rotate(radians(millis()/50+2*p*360/90)); fill(255, 20); stroke(255,200); strokeWeight(3); triangle(0, -150, -150*sqrt(3)/2, 150/2, 150*sqrt(3)/2, 150/2); popMatrix(); } }
task 1
float max_distance; void setup() { size(1024, 768); } void draw(){ background(255); translate(-90,-110); for(int i = 1; i <= 5; i ++) { translate(200, 0); pushMatrix(); for(int j = 1; j <= 4; j ++) { translate(0, 200); pushMatrix(); for (int p = 0; p <= 90; p += 1){ rotate(radians(360/90)); pushMatrix(); translate(40,0); rotate(radians(millis()/50+2*p*360/90)); fill(#BED5DB, 30); stroke(0+45*i); strokeWeight(1); triangle(0, -20, -20*sqrt(3)/2, 20/2, 20*sqrt(3)/2, 20/2); popMatrix(); } popMatrix(); } popMatrix(); } }
task 2
void setup() { size(1024, 768); } void draw(){ background(255); float r = random(100,900); float q = random(100,650); float m = random(100,255); float n = random(100,255); float t = random(1,10); translate(r, q); for (int p = 0; p <= 90; p += 1){ rotate(radians(360/90)); pushMatrix(); translate(20*t,0); rotate(radians(millis()/50+2*p*360/90)); fill(#BED5DB, 30); stroke(n,m, 0); strokeWeight(1); triangle(0, -10*t, -t*10*sqrt(3)/2, t*10/2, t*10*sqrt(3)/2, t*10/2); popMatrix(); } delay(500); }
task 3
void setup() { size(1024, 768); } void draw(){ background(255); float m = random(100,255); float n = random(100,255); float t = 5; translate(mouseX, mouseY); for (int p = 0; p <= 90; p += 1){ rotate(radians(360/90)); pushMatrix(); translate(20*t,0); rotate(radians(millis()/50+2*p*360/90)); fill(#FFC1C1, 30); stroke(n,m, 0); strokeWeight(1); triangle(0, -10*t, -t*10*sqrt(3)/2, t*10/2, t*10*sqrt(3)/2, t*10/2); popMatrix(); } }
Spending a lot of time doing this work, trying and failing, I learned a lot. I searched online for help and learned how to use “translate” and ” rotate”. The process of making the poster and doing the homework was really a pleasure.
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