#CGDD Week05 2D Game Progress

The video above displays the progress we made this week, including:
(1) modify the UI to fit in every screen size
(2) use Mathf.Lerp to achieve the smooth transition of health bar
(3) add a second collider on fish so that it could collide with the fishing hut
(4) add the resistance force of the water so that the fish won’t move too fiercely
(5) add a function to rotate the fishing rod with the key A/D
(6) add a UI text to show the speed of the fish
(7) add a UI text to show the remained bullet

We are in the process of changing the way to fish (溜鱼) and our next step is to detect the force on the joint and modify the speed of the fish accordingly. After that, we will develop the four challenging levels of the game.