Group Research Project Assignment

First, write about the idea your group focused on that fulfills the assigned criteria. Explain precisely how what your group invented derives from, responds to or relates, in some significant manner, to the established form of interaction you identified in your research of the two projects in the “Research” phase of the project. Provide idea sketches for your design and explain your decisions. Give your opinion on the successes and the failures of the artifact. Please clarify exactly what contributions and roles you personally made to the process and project along the way, and describe the process your group used to work together.

My group created a type of software that allows the user to transpose their physical environment into a different one. Inspired by the idea of a smart room in the Veldt by Ray Bradbury, we thought we would add to the idea one step further. The smart room is depicted as an enclosed space where physical projections came from the walls, along with a surround system that allowed the participant to immerse themselves in their respective environment. However, this introduced physical boundaries for the participants as well as the environment established by the 4 walls. For example, in the Veldt, the kids could lock their doors and would be stuck in the room via a physical lock on from the door. However, there would be no need for a physical door because our software could be accessed and controlled via the computer -> that can be accessed inside/outside of the environment. 

Our invention derives from this idea of a smart room without the boundaries, and the physical projections as real life. Not just visual projects from screens. This way, the user can take full advantage of the environment they’re in and not be restricted by the distance from wall to wall of their smart room. The user can access this environment via a tool of the software that’s similar to what a door looks like (for social identity). Also, our software runs on a computer that records all the user’s data such as places traveled, unique experiences and interactions. An issue where the parents couldn’t see the history of the smart room. 

Next, provide a critical analysis and assessment of a performance from another group. Start with the description of the project. How relevant/not relevant is the interactive artifact to the fictional story? How well/not well does it meet the criteria of the assignment? What is your opinion of the design of the device? How creatively does the performance help you understand the artifact? Do you have any suggestions for improvements?

My analysis will be on the Magic Mirror. 

The project is based off the story, “The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas” by Ursula K. Le Guin. I thought this project was quite interesting because of the mirror’s utility in the skit. I found the narrative of the citizens living the good life while the chambered boy was experiencing cruelty and harshness  to be relevant. And, that the citizens once exposed to the boy, chose either to stay or leave Omelas once they knew of its secret. Situated as an irregular mirror that citizens will interact with, I thought it was extremely unique how the citizens would be exposed to the boy through this artifact. I enjoyed the artifact being a mirror because the people are forced to look at and idolize themselves first. Then, without warning would see the boy where they saw themselves. That way, the people are coerced into transposing  themselves in the boy’s position and feel more of a sentimental connection which I felt was the solution to this story. For the people to reflect and think about the boy as if they could’ve have been in that situation. 

I believe the performance meets the criteria of the assignment based off its unique angle approaching the narrative and its relevance. I also liked the props and costumes provided by the group. The mirror didn’t look like a regular mirror and the mirror lady made sure of that through dialogue and her interesting costume. I believe that the performance does a good job at making us understand the artifact through a change of emotions displayed by the people who look at the mirror. From emotions being happy, carefree and confident to sad, overwhelmed and confused. 

I would say the only improvement would be the boys could make it a little more clearer about idolizing themselves and living a carefree life before seeing the mirror and the boy. However, I thought the performance conveyed these emotions   at the very least and the acting was top-notch! Iwould also like to see a little more interaction between the boy and the people. Perhaps a little more guilt tripping.



In your blog entry, you should include your script.You can include pictures of your props and costumes etc. If you have a video of the rehearsal or a recording of the actual performance, you may include it as well. Describe clearly how your teamwork was, the different roles, the task allocations, and how was the communication within the team.

I believed our teamwork was very good with communicating and encouraging ideas. Everyone contributed to the performance by coming up with unique artifacts, having an active role in each scene (Shanghai, the ocean, the desert) and actively participated in coming up with the script. Everyone was very easy to collaborate with and it felt that we all listened to each other’s ideas. Even though all our stories’ narratives  were wildly different, we all contributed what we thought was beneficial to creating an interesting storyline and technology.


Sandra is in her room doing homework when she suddenly wants to go get buns at Nanjing Road. 

Says: “Ugh, this is so hard. I’m going to take a break. I’m craving some xiaolongbao.”

**Types on the computer and opens the door** 

Tina is there with buns and Sophia is there with the sign. She asks for a bun and then closes the door. 

Says: Hi, I would like to buy 5 buns.


Tina hands her buns then she goes back to doing homework. She suddenly wants to go to see the Pearl Tower. 

**Types on computer, opens door**

Says: “Wow the Pearl Tower!”

She takes a picture with the Pearl Tower. 

Goes home and sleeps. 

The next day…

She wanted to go to the desert. 

**Types on computer, opens door**


*Take a picture with pyramids.*

*Wes pinches her with a cactus as she looks at the pyramid and camel*

Says: “Ouch! What was that! Ugh this place is too hot. I want to go somewhere cool”. *Thinks for a moment and types on computer*

*Ends up in the ocean and sees nemo*

Says: “Wow there’s nemo!”  *Sees a shark* 

Says: “Oh no, I gotta go!” *Runs out the door to go back home*


We all collaborated with each other about the artifacts we wanted to pursue individually and how we would come about making them. We asked ourselves, what artifacts would make it obvious what environment we were in? Where would we would get our materials, and when we should find time to rehearse with our artifacts.

Because materials were scarce, I had to go out and ask shop owners on the street if I could have some of their cardboard. After a while, I was kindly given 3 slabs. I used tape, hot glue and scissors to shape the design accordingly. For the Pearl Tower, I cut out two slabs of cardboard to create a body and cut out mini prongs to make the feet. Because I was lacking in resources and glue, I had to improvise with tape and my cutting skills. 


















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