How To Open The Mic In Catalina

I followed similar instructions from the Video library.
My mac version is Catalina 10.15.5 and my Processing version is 3.5.4

  • Install “processing-java” so you can run a sketch from terminal. (I guess if you did this for the video library you don’t need to do it again)
    From the processing tools menu select – install processing-java. Select For all users when prompted.
  • Open terminal and run the AudioInput sketch or any sketch that tries to use the microphone. Copy and paste the next line in the terminal (make sure you change “mg3273” for the name of your computer user):

processing-java --sketch=/Users/mg3273/Documents/Processing/libraries/sound/examples/IO/AudioInput --run

running the “AudioInput” sketch from terminal Catalina prompts you to allow permission!
You will get something like this: 


Click OK and that will make your microphone work from now on.

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