Fall 2023 Midterms

Midterm Presentations Fall 2023Midterm Presentations Fall 2023Midterm Presentations Fall 2023  



Section 1 (Gottfried)

Ammna & Vilius: Environmental Monster
Astroyd & Melanie: Blow & Glow
Avril & Simon: Go Pinball!
Henry & Nina & Zhengyang: Seashell Piano in Action!
Jenny & Sylvia: Mindful Illumination
Sara &: Magic Stairs
ShuYan & Tina: Don’t Touch, Beauty at a Distance!


Section 2 (Andy)

Beatrice & Evelyn: Flower of Love
Cassandra & Ting: BamBOO
Eric & Roman: Candle Blower
Eva & Henry: Dinner Theater
Jessica & Nicola & Tammy: Aqua Arcade
Sara & Zhixuan: A Journey to Hogwarts
Serena & CJ: Cloud Machine
Shuyu & Yuzhuo: Boxing Showdown


Section 3 (Eric)

Audrey & Leo: JanKenPon(じゃん拳ぽん)
Evan & Jiaxiang: Stepper Destroyer
Bella & Vivian: “I am sensitive of sounds”
Boyan & Jennifer: GPS Random Scoring Machine
Jean & Luna: Trick-or-Treat!
Ninj & ?: Buzzer 07
Yiayi & Kelly: NYUSH’s Quidditch
Yiru & Dhruv: My pet plant



Midterm Presentations Fall 2023

Photos by Sylvia Lee & Gohai