Recitation 4 Rudy Song

I was not able to make it to the recitation 4, so I made it up by myself. I started building the circuit smoothly, and it didn’t take long for me to finish the first circuit and upload the code to it.  

It worked quite smoothly. 

However, since I was doing it alone, I had to make two of it in order to make the drawing machine. The second one ran into a little problem uploading the code. Funny enough, I have spent too much time checking the circuit and the redoing the circuits but ended up I didn’t click the option in Arduino. The final look as below.

Q1: I would like to create a machine that allows smoke to arise out of people’s head every time people are mad.  It will be like the cartoon, in which characters’ emotions are exaggerated and displayed as smokes coming out of their heads. We are now living in a society people are afraid to be angry, but angriness is an undeniable part of our life, and we should learn to face it rather than faking it away.

Q2:  I have looked into Daniel Palacios’ Waves. The installation is based on ropes and motors who powered it. When the audience moves around it they influence the movements of the rope, generating visual and acoustic sound waves from harmonic patterns to complex ones. It is fascinating to see how simple rope movements, powered by the motors could serve as a mean to look at the action-reaction principle applied to sound and space and offers different layers of meanings and understanding from different looking angles. It is surprising to me that there only seem to be two motors, but the way it presents make me wonder is motors programmed to randomly run or with a particular order. 

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