Recitation 8: Serial Communication by Ellie Meng

Exercise 1:

Components: Arduino UNO, breadboard, 2 potentiometer, jumping cables

Steps: To complete this exercise, I first broke it into several steps: 1. Connect the circuit; 2. Open codes for Arduino and test; 3. If step 2 succeeds, modify the codes for Processing and test.

Process: for communication between Arduino and Processing, I refer to the in-class exercise on multiple values. After using map() function to change the value of potentiometer to the height and width of the canvas in Processing, I successfully drew an ellipse the position of which was controlled by the potentiometers. But when I asked Young to check it, it turned out that what the instruction would like us to do was to make the ellipse seem like a brush and could draw lines. The trouble was that in the result I got, each ellipse seemed like a single ellipse. So I add noStroke() function so that with all frames existing at the same time on the canvas, it would seem like drawing a line.




(First Try)

(Final Result)

Codes: <script src=””></script>

Exercise 2:

Components: Arduino UNO, breadboard, 1 buzzer, jumping cables

Steps: similar to exercise 1: 1. Connect the circuit; 2. Open codes for Arduino and test; 3. If step 2 succeeds, modify the codes for Processing and test.

Process: Things went pretty well. I chose mouseX() and mouseY to send the value and also involve if(){} and mousePressed() function to make sure the buzzer will only give sound when mouse is pressed. At last, I draw an ellipse which would follow the move of the mouse cursor so that the position of it could be seen more clearly.




Code: <script src=””></script>

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