The Enchanting Music of Sign Language -Christine Sun Kim- Xavier Juhala

I thought that this video was really interesting and offered a completely new perspective on what sound is that I had never even thought about. When she said at first that sound was something that she grew up believing didn’t affect her but that she was actually wrong in this belief, I was confused because I thought surely if she can’t hear then sound is something that doesn’t affect her. I didn’t think, however, of all of the implications sound has not only on us but on other people and how we use sound as social cues for so many things as well. The examples she gave were particularly eye-opening, especially the one about not screeching her utensils against the plate when eating, because these are all things that we subconsciously do with the sound information we receive, however, these are things which she as well as other deaf people can’t rely on. I found it interesting then, how she explains that she instead uses other peoples reactions to the sounds she makes, essentially hearing through them. Another thing that I had never thought about is showing sound visually such as how she did with the illustration she showed in her presentation, I think that they actually go really well with the sounds that they are supposed to show, and when you hear the sound and look at the paintings you can totally see which sound goes with each picture. 

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