Recitation2 Arduino Basics Clover-Xinran Fan


From Arduino Kit:

1 * Arduino Uno
1 * USB A to B cable
1 * breadboard
1 * buzzer
2 * LEDs
2 * 220 ohm resistors
2 * 10K ohm resistors
2 * pushbuttons
A handful of jumper cables

From cart:

2 * arcade buttons
1 * Multimeter (optional)

Circuit 1: Fade

At first, I and my partner would like to make this circuit respectively for we think it should be quite  easy. I was kind of confident glancing at the              , for I have become familiar with it after last Wednesday’s workshop, and I even simplified the circuit (take away two lines) myself. But just at the moment when I’m trying to connect the Arduino with my computer, bad luck hit on me. No matter how I trying to modify the program or change the circuit, it just did not work. I even got help from three teachers! Finally, we had to admit my line had been broken. At that time, seeing most of the other students had finished the first missing, I was quick worried and anxious, Thankfully, my roommate offer me her kit, while the professor trying to give a new one really patiently.

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Circuit 2: toneMelody

Then we begin the second circuit. That wasn’t hard but I really meet some problems on understanding the code. At the beginning we forget to copy the code under the new tap. But thank to the help from assistants we figured the problem and successfully made it.

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Circuit 3: Speed Game

To begin with, we did not know where to find out the tap of the resisters and could not put the bottom into the breadboard. This problem really took us a long time for we had to change the circuit. After that we continued making mistakes until the class was over. But we did not want to just give it up, we kept on working on it after the class . Finally, we got our ‘game’ done!

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          Though we met numerous of problems  today. But they also expressed how much I learn. There was nothing can give more achievability than crossing all the obstacles to “light the bulb”.


Q1: As far as I am concern, the interaction is the communication and reaction between two roles. The procession comprise “input”,”computing”,”output”. like in the recitation ,we always use Arduino to send the digital or analogue information, that is input. While the electric current go through the circuit is the computing ,and the action of the effector is output. But the machine and the human can always change place. For example, when you hear the bell ring and go to open the door. That is a reversed procession.

Q2:For the resistance of the push Botton is quite small, could not bear the 5 voltage. So we need a relative big resistance to share the voltage and protect the other component in that circuit.

Q3: If I have 100,000 LEDs, I will  use them to make a number of festival decorations for the poor , and I will call off more students to join us. Though just some small  twinkle , but I still hope it can light someone’s dream.

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