Ready Player One and Mirror World Response

  • I most agree with #6, remote work via VR will be the norm. This just makes sense since it will offer the same type of environment of an office, allowing employees in team environments without actually needing to purchase a space to work within. I disagree with #7, VR can erase race and gender equality gaps, because no matter how you represent yourself, there will always be irrational biases that certain people will find acceptable/unacceptable.
  • VR Titles: BBC Spacewalk, Tilt Brush, YouTube VR
  • “Glimpses of the mirrorworld are all around us. Perhaps nothing has proved that the marriage of the virtual and the physical is irresistible better than PokĂ©mon Go, a game that immerses obviously virtual characters in the toe-stubbing reality of the outdoors. When it launched in 2016, there was an almost audible “Aha, I get it!” as the entire world signed up to chase cartoon characters in their local parks.” I found that Pokemon Go was the first big penetration for the general public of Augmented Reality and I feel that we’re surrounded by AR and we don’t even realize it. For example, Snapchat and Instagram filters are essentially basic forms of AR, tracking your face or a surface and projecting a virtual product upon that. AR is already here and already reasonably mature on mobile phones. The new question should be how to scale past the limitations of mobile phones with the general public.

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