For this week’s assignment we were asked to come up with ideas for how to generate melody.
Pong Random Melody Generator
Upon loading, several balls are placed onto the canvas with random velocities and positions. The user can interact with the balls to click and drag around. When they hit an edge, a note, short melody, or chord will be played to the user and the ball will change color to the note that was played.
Drag and Drop Melody Interface
The user can select from a library of generated melodies that range from classical music to rock and roll. Pieces of music that pair well together will be grouped together, such as music that is at a similar BPM or key. When the user is ready to play, a cursor will show up on the timeline which shows what is currently playing on the screen. Lastly, an option could be made available to export the given piece to midi or mp3.
Virtual Guitar
Similar to a real guitar, the user can strum over notes using his or her mouse. Notes to the left are at a lower frequency, and notes to the right are at a higher frequency. Frets will be displayed on the image of the guitar, which will allow the user to select which note to play.