Code of Music Week 12: Timbre Project – Thomas Tai

For this week’s assignment, we were asked to design two different timbres, applying synthesis and sampling techniques of our choice. 

Violin Synth:

Poly Synth:

I took samples from the London Philharmonic orchestra and used them to create a sample with a vibrato effect applied. Using the code from class, I used the waveform analyzer to view the sound wave on the editor. It was interesting to see how the effects affected the timbre of the note played. 

For my second synthesizer, I used the PolySynth from Tone.js, which uses a specified synthesizer to create a variety of voices. I then applied bit crusher affect which produces distortion, giving it an 8-bit feel. I also applied a chorus effect that modulates between a left and right delay. Next, I applied the autowah effect and connected all the effects to the master output. Each note is accompanied by a circle that fades away over time. If I had more time, I would try to make the effects sound better and create a better visual representation of the synthesizer.

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