Danger of a Single Story (Thomas Waugh)

In the ted talk, “The Danger of a Single Story”, Chimamanda Adichie talks about how people commonly take one single story about something and make it out to be the only truth. I thought about the message of this talk and realized I can see it everyday with the amount of cultural diversity around me. Our school is full of individuals from so many different countries and backgrounds, and it is easy for people to generalize what a person is like based on stereotypes that they have heard. I think it is important to know that there are always multiple stories that exist and that people can’t understand everything and have to acknowledge this, keeping their mind open to the many stories that exist. I spent most of my life living in America, and I know that it would be easy for other people to perceive me as the stereotypical American. But I was born in Argentina, and also have a Japanese grandmother who exposed me to Japanese culture since I was a kid. Just as I know I am not a single story, I think every person and every place possesses many stories and can’t be defined by only one. Single stories told as the only can lead to great miscommunications and misconceptions.

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