Comic Project (Thomas Waugh)

For this project, Demi and I wanted to create a fictionalized NYU Shanghai experience of our friend Abraiz. There are different endings that come from making different choices throughout the comic so the reader can live the NYU Shanghai life vicariously through Abraiz.

For the code, I structured the comic into 5 Acts. The first is the introduction and class selection. The second, whether or not the class choice was wise. The third, the decision to go clubbing. The fourth, the fight cutscene resulting in Abraiz’s death if the player chooses to go to the club. The final act is the ending where Abraiz’s fate is revealed.

To load the images for this, I made Arrays for each Act and each choice and defined the image locations in there. For the choices, I made four buttons, each which call a function, button1() for example. I had if statements in each of the button functions which checked which act we were in so I could add multi-functionality to each of the buttons.

All in all, I had a really great time working on this project and I’m looking forward to working on the next one.

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