Recitation 10- Santiago Salem

During this recitation, I wanted to use my previous artwork of processing and try to manipulate it with a potentiometer through Arduino. So my original work was based on a rotational cube in space that rotated accordingly to the position of your mouse. This time I wanted to control the speed of rotation through the potentiometer, yet still control the position with the mouse. My exercise for today was very similar to the one used in class where we control the speed of some rotational hexagons with the potentiometer.

My main challenge of this recitation was looking where to put in my if statement and how to conduct the map function. Unfortunately, I forgot the order of the values inside the map function, but later a fellow explained to me that the map function is (valueFromArduino, Fromlow, from high, tolow, tohigh). Afterward, I successfully map the values in the correct order. The other reminder, Is that I must remember every time I first have to test the Arduino inputs and sensors before proceeding to Processing. I worked for 40 minutes on processing wondering why my potentiometer wasn’t working, and it was due to a displacement of a cable.



I believe that this new technology and arithmetical tendencies have created in themselves a new era of technological art. Not only can you see a spectacular visual show but in it, you can create a new relationship closer between the audience and the piece of art. By creating a rotating cube and being able to change it in its form and speed every time I create an alternative and new vision to my project. To me what I find most funny about this whole process of new technological art. Is that one of the most vital compounds (the computer) only manages to see numbers and patterns, but still manages to send signals that create wonderful projects. And here is when one as a creator must value that to create something not only the result must be beautiful, but the process must also be valued. It’s like a painting, every brush is a line of code, and every mistake in the process is part of learning how to become an artist.

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