Recitation 9: Final Project Feedback by Shina Chang

Project 1:  Pick Your Pokemon!

This project is an interactive game that has a mystical feel to it much like the scene in Harry Potter when the hat chooses which house a student is put into. It consists of four boxes with a different pokemon type inside of each box and a center box where a heartbeat sensor is located. The users have to answer questions that are designed to provoke different heart rates and after the set of questions, the game will compile the information gathered and choose the ideal pokemon type for the user. A question that was asked was how are they going to create questions so provoking that it would change someone heart rate while answering it. My feedback to help them with this challenge is to add a timer to the question that way the player is pressured to think quickly. One problem with this proposal, however, is the timer could just make the user nervous and anxious which could affect their heart rate. 

Project 2: Ball of Confusion

This project is also an interactive game that utilizes questions for the user to answer. In this case, the game is designed to bring awareness about the bad in the world. As the user is a ball that rolls around the goal of the user is to purposefully encounter these worldly issues. Similarly to Super Mario the ball, the user, will be able to maneuver as Mario can in Super Mario. The feedback that was given was about the questions that the makers of the game intend to ask. There are many issues in the world and it is very difficult to have a successful game centered around all of them. So we suggested that they are to choose one specific topic and focus the questions on that. 

Project 3: Anger Visualizer 

This project’s vision is to make the user angry with the hopes that anger increases their heart rate, and then the increased heart rate levels trigger a contraption that blows out steam from it whilst it is worn like a headband. This seems like a cool concept however there are too many uncertainties within the project. Everyone reacts to anger differently so it would be nearly impossible this project, with the resources available, to use anger. A suggestion was to make this project into an interactive toy. As the user provokes a toy and makes it “angry” then once it reaches a certain level it will blow steam from its ears like cartoon characters. 

Project 4: Super Bow 

This project is also an interactive game. The goal of the game is to create human versus human interaction using machinery. It also incorporates the athleticism of an archer and requires trivial intelligence. As the user goes to answer the question that is shown on the screen the player must pull back the arrow and shoot at the correct target with the correct answer on it. A suggestion for this project was to make it a multiplayer game to create fun competition. Also to add different types of questions similarly to Jeopardy, this way it makes the game fairer as some people may be more knowledgable in certain topics than others. 

Dancing Digits:

Feedback for my project was to utilize sensors that make playing Dancing Digits easier. At first, the game was going to use either pressure sensors or buttons until we were suggested capacitive sensors. This was a really helpful suggestion as I was not aware of these sensors. These sensors really give the user the full experience of a game similar to Dance Dance Revolution because they do not require to be pushed on. The next suggestion was to utilize a pattern from a song to make the workload a little smaller than what is expected. I think this is a good suggestion to keep as a back up because I would like to keep as much of this project original. 

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