Recitation 8: Serial Communication——Rujun Zhang(Marcela)

This time, two projects were relatively difficult to me since I could not understand the example codes at once. I spent a lot of time understanding the code that wrote in example documentation. Thus, I did not finish both of them in recitation. With the help of Malika, I finished them after class.

In the project “Make a Processing Etch A Sketch”, first I did not know how to use parameters from Arduino to change the position of the ellipse. I found that the parameters were always out of range. After struggling, I realized that I can use map function to solve this question.

After recitation, I finished exercise 2. From the experience of the exercise 1, I understood how processing communicate with Arduino. One of the keys of exercise 2 was understand how to use tune function and I found the introduction on the official website. Another key point was that we needed use Space key to control the status of the buzzer. This was I did not know before. With the help of Malika, I knew how to code this.

The code in the PDF below

ellipseAPA ellipseAPP BuzzerPAP buzzerPAA

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