Recitation 9: Media Controller (Rodrigo Reyes)

Last recitation we had to manipulate media (an image or video) on Processing by using a controller on Arduino. It was much easier to do this now since we did serial communication between these two programs the week before. 


I had a potentiometer expand and contract an image on Processing. As one twisted the potentiometer to the right, the image became bigger. Likewise, when one twisted the potentiometer to the left, the image became smaller.  I added a meme picture, I mapped the values for the potentiometer, I added the prev x and y, and used the base code for serial communication that was given to us in class. 


In the article “Computer Visions for Artists and Designers” by Golan Levin I found that as technology changes through time,  people’s use of it also evolves with it. Before people used to use technology to code things for businesses and create websites and new e-markets, however, today people are using coding and other technologies to create interaction through different means and designed for different actors. People now utilize technology to create art that does, in turn,  interact with other people or other things.  The reading resonates with my project because my project was designed to entertain and to facilitate social scenarios. It was meant to be a game played in large groups of people. It involved artistic vision in the design, and it involved wanting to look for ways to step out of the conventional use of technology as a means to facilitate human interaction.  

Video Bellow: 


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