Recitation 2: Arduino Basics

The project consisted in creating three different circuits which were, dim lights, speaker tones, and a button game.  The assignment consisted in creating the circuits and later programming each one to, slowly dim a led light,  to play a melody, and finally to tell which button achieved 10 pushes first. The idea was borrowed from the professors which gave the instructions. The project had few difficulties, the first 2 circuits were done fast and without any problem. Nevertheless the third circuit was problematic due to the led being misplaced in sides, creating confusion and slowing the process. The experiment help me a lot to understand the importance of the code, and the many ways you can use simple codes t do many things.


  1. We use circuits in everything, from our phones to our computers, they all have input and outputs to have interaction in the real world.
  2. Because the 10 k resistor helps maintaining the 5 volts when pushed and 0 when not
  3. I think I would do a ceiling that lights up only where people are walking and put it on top of my room

One Reply to “Recitation 2: Arduino Basics”

  1. it would be good to document better your experience during the recitation, what did it work and what didn’t work? why? how did you solve the problems you faced?
    Regarding to the use of a 10K resistor, what it can happen if you don’t use one is a shortcut. We use a 10K resistor because if we don’t use it we would be connecting 5V and ground directly every time we push the button.
    check out this video:

    This other video can be useful for you to understand what voltage is:

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