Interactive Comic Project – Oona & Ruby


Ruby and I first worked together on the story plot, as well as what exactly we wanted our character to be, as well as what should go on. We eventually focused on student life, and a major aspect of it: budgeting. The goal of this story was for the reader to help a new student,  Potato, go through a day and stay on budget. The only catch is, they don’t know his budget until the end, and have to use their judgement to make choices. it goes throughout a school day, with some fun twists 🙂 In terms of work, Ruby did most of the coding, and I did most of the artistic work. In the end, though, it was mainly our collaboration and communication to each other that got this project to work so well!


The art is mostly hand drawn, and edited. Real pictures are used in some instances, as well as hand drawn backgrounds. We wanted to have a variety of both! The hand drawn images were either drawn on paper and edited in, or drawn directly onto an iPad using apple pencil.



This part was hard, mainly because our laptop displays are different! (My screen is smaller than Ruby’s), so when I would try to do work on Atom on my own laptop, I would alter the display to fit my screen. Because of this, it looked different on Ruby’s. We had to work out a solution!

We used most of the concepts learned in class, although we had some help from Moon and Dave when we were absolutely stuck and confused (thank you).


I think this project was really fun, and seeing a completed work makes you feel so cool and satisfied with the extent of what you are able to do just after a short while of taking this class! Although sometimes were tiring and frustrating, I think it was worth it. I’m so proud of this comic!

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