Recitation 11: Workshops by Ning Zhou

For this recitation, I went to Leon’ session, media manipulation workshop. The main reason was that for our final project, we need to apply a lot media, such as videos, audios and images. Some interesting things I found on class was many other functions that I’ve never used before, like the time(); function which is also used later in my exercise and further in my final project. 

For the in-class exercise, I used the material I may use for the final project and created a short video. Here’s a clip for the project:

Here’s the code:


import processing.sound.*;

SoundFile location;

FFT fft;
int bands = 64;
float smoothingFactor = 0.2;
float[] sum = new float[bands];
int scale = 1;
float barWidth;

PImage car;

Movie nyc;
Movie spd;

boolean stop = false;
boolean spdover = false;

void setup() {
size(1440, 855);
location = new SoundFile(this, “location.mp3”);;

barWidth = 250/float(bands);
fft = new FFT(this, bands);

car = loadImage(“3.png”);

nyc = new Movie(this, “nyc.mp4”);
spd = new Movie(this, “spd.mp4”);


void draw() {;
image(nyc, 0, 0, width, height);
filter(POSTERIZE, 10);
image(car, 630, 600);
if (time2 > 5) {
text(“WANT A FAST RIDE:) ?”, 1020, 810);
if (stop == true) {;
image(spd, 0, 0, width, height);
image(car, 630, 600);

if (time3 > 10) {
spdover = true;

void keyPressed() {
if (key == ‘y’) {
stop = true;

void movieEvent(Movie m) {;

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