Recitation 3: Water has a Wetness of 500+

Recitation 3 was a lot of fun! I mean, all of them generally are.

This one started with the unfortunate accident that I was given a leaking cup, which was spilling all over the table, EVEN THOUGH I attempted to staunch it with napkins. *sighs* So I ended up having to throw my morning doze of caffeine and ran out trying to clean up the tea spill before it reached any of the cables. 

Question 1:

Anyways, in our recitation exercise, Tiana and I made three out of the six Arduino Sensor devices that were given as options. The ones that we made were the models for the Moisture Sensor, the Infrared Distance Sensor and the Vibration Sensor. 

We have diagrams for all of them:


(I had a lot of fun drawing the diagrams :3)

If the sensor/ actuator would be used for pragmatic purposes, I could definitely see the Infrared Distance sensor being used in modern cars to help people park! It’s what it reminded me of when I saw it originally. The Vibration sensor, if done properly could probably measure Earthquakes? I don’t know how that would work, but it sound fun. On  a more simple note it could simply be connected to a lamp in a restaurant, that lights up whenever the door shifts. The Moisture sensor is the most complex for me to pinpoint. I feel like it would be put to good use measuring moisture in the soil after rain for biologists. 

Question 2:

Considering that our group made three circuits, I believe the one that I can identify using in my everyday life the most is the probably the Infrared Distance Sensor. I think there are a few implemented in the Iphone. When I’m talking to someone on my Iphone and pull it away from my ear, the screen tends to light up automatically. Perhaps, there is a programming within the Iphone that sets for the Iphone to darken when he/she is in a closer proximity to it when the user is in a call.  This feels like the most obvious one… 

Question 3:

Oh! I love cooking therefore this question made me smile. Coding to me, as someone who has only ever worked with Arduino and some forum-type of HTML, feels a lot like baking. If I forget a semi-colon at the end of an Arduino Line, it doesn’t work, similarly to how one shouldn’t mess with the flour and sugar ratio in a cake.  Coding is incredibly complex, but with a  lot of practice and memorization, similar to baking a difficult recipe in Masterchef, one could get it right. And I believe there is a magic that happens when you get it right, so it brings me a lot of joy.

Question 4:

This is a difficult question to answer. The only thing that I can think off of the top of my head when it comes to the influences of computers on human interactions is Ads. As a Marketing Major my mind drifts into Ads and the modular way that they bring people to purchase products. Ads, whether they are on Billboards, our phones or internet browsers, are created in intricate ways that are supposed to peak a consumers’ attention. With Digital Marketing, and Inbound Marketing in specific, now becoming  a big deal, it is much easier for marketers to create an ad that will attract a buyer of some product. The modularity comes in the many different pieces of the human body that react to Ads. Whether its the eyes that read them, the brain that processes them or the fingers that decide to click on the ad, this is an interactive process between buyers and sellers. 

Have a great day!

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