Recitation 11 Workshops

For the Workshops Recitation session I picked to do the Object Oriented programming with Tristan. I largely followed his guide for how to proceed with the exercise.

In the class we decided to treat words as objects, which we could program to have actions with around the screen and I really liked that idea. Words have power in my opinion, and if used properly in this case they can have a lot more meaning in a much simpler coding example. 

First, I set the terms, which helped a lot since I got to use the code that we created with Tristan in class:

By making the terms a String of words, it was easier to identify the factors which we wanted to interact with, such as the placement of the word upon the screen or the size of the word. 

Then I wanted to provide a cool meaning to the words I picked so I decided to create an Array list of word items  called “Problems” and then I proceeded to enter a bunch of problems that people deal with during their everyday lives.

Based on how I coded them, they appeared on different places over the screen :

Then I wanted to, as we were taught, remove the items from the screen after they were drawn. I coded in the keyPressed function. Once a key on my keyboard was pressed, one of the words from the screen would remove itself. And then the next, and then the next. And in the end you would be left with  a blank black screen with no problems. 

I wanted to show that in order to remove your problems, you only needed to start acting on them. “Starting” or “Beginning” is always said to be the most difficult step to take on a path. 

Thank you for reading!

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