First time using Processing! First recitation after the Midterm

(Image Above: Vasily Kandinsky’s “Several Circles”)

For the First Recitation on Processing basics, I decided that I would like to use the Image Called “Several Circles” by Vasily Kandinsky because it appeared to the fantasy genre-loving self that I possess. I I immediately liked the darker aesthetic that the image had compared to all of the other ones, and I thought that the circles looked like an eclipse of some kind or sort, which then illuminates the stars and planets around them.  If looked at potentially in a more logical way, it felt as though the light of the sun or moon that was being eclipsed was being reflected and revealed all of the other usually unseen planetary objects surrounding it. It made me think of “dark matter” a little bit. 

I wanted to create something similar to Kandinsky’s piece using processing. I was inspired by it sincerely and almost tried to imitate it until the point where I realised I wasn’t using the color scheme on processing which could make colors brighter and more or less saturated- I was using Red/Green/Blue. This meant that essentially the only color variants I could put on my starts were Red, green and blue. Since we hadn’t yet covered how to make those colors brighter, I decided to stick to using that method  and therefore transform the original “Several Circles” into something even more dark. 

(My recreation of “Several Circles”)

In order to achieve that I created, I created a lot ellipses and colored them in as I moved them along a 600×600 plane. It was difficult to get the x and y values at first but it got easier with more and more practice of moving the colored circles around. I would like to believe that my image managed to somewhat retain the mysterious fantasy motif that Kandinsky’s work had. Mine is a little bit darker and it almost feels a bit more psychedelic to look at, but I would like to think that it turned out well. 

Personally, I find drawing with Processing to be a little bi difficult, in the sense that it will take A LOT of time if a person wanted to go into details. I believe that being able to upload pre-made images into the program and then using the program to code the movement of the objects would be much simpler (such  as a character’s mouths when they talk or moving them across the screen when they walk). 

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