Animation with Processing Homework

Coding with processing is going to take a lot more practice for me to understand and get right. There are a lot of functions that one can do and I keep on breaking the code, however, I will try my hand at this homework and hope for the best. I apologize in advance for any coding atrocities I might commit in advance!

  1. I can find it possible to create a shape at the center of a 600x 600 sized background. This is do-able. We have my basic black square near the center of the image.
  2. I had trouble making the shape expand and contract, instead it just seems to create a second square right next to the first one. I used the scale function in draw, but it didn’t seem to work the way I wanted it too.. I probably misused void draw as a function somewhere here…
  3. I tried making the color transition smoothly, but instead, I not only made the square change its color to white when it wasn’t pressed upon.  The background changed to white instead of the original grey that I had, which I can understand why it happened, but I cant seem to make the void draw function to work for me at all…
  4. I could get the Square to move around the canvas, just very very awkwardly, and sometimes the big square moves with the small one, sometimes it disappears from existence, I…frankly think I have managed to create some sort of disaster creature and will probably go through the whole exercise again with help and guidance because really,  IMG_7832 <– this does not look right. 

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