Recitation 6: Processing Basics by Sheldon Chen

The biggest reason I wanted to use the image was because of its design. Its simple, yet harmonic arrangement of quads of different shapes, together with the ingenious choice of different colors, have made the image visually poised and peaceful. Apart from the artistic view, I also chose this design out of my perception that such shapes are easier to draw and colors are easier to pick.

Original Motif
Original Motif

My original design idea was to utilize the pattern of the quadrilateral shown in the original drawing and maybe change the color of the shapes, add some of my own decorations on to it. To draw such shapes in Processing, I had to use lots of “quad()” functions out outline the quadrilateral one by one. I also used the noStroke() function to get rid of all the strokes for the shapes. Some fill() and noFill() functions were also used to constantly change the color of different layers on the picture.  

Just as I expected, a great similarity between my design and the original motif was the pattern in the arrangement of the quadrilaterals. However, because of the color choice, as well as the different textures, these two images present very different feelings. For the original motif, the color chosed was within the grayscale. The visual effects it presents is thus, more classical, stronger, also the sense of layering is more obvious. The colors in my image, on the other hand, are mostly blue. And its texture is apparentlysmoother than the original motif. The visual effect it presents, therefore, is calmer, more modern, also doesn’t have a strong sense of layering.

After all the efforts, I think processing might not be the best tool achieving such design. An obvious reason is all quadrilaterals must be drawn using the quad() function by putting in the coordinates of all four corners. Because this image involves many parallel shapes, I have to either calculate the slope of different lines in the drawing, or to put in a random number and adjust it by checking back and forth. Perhaps this would be much easier to draw using photoshop, as the shapes could be copied so there is no need to worry about the slope of the shapes.

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